Saturday, October 25, 2008


Halloween 2008

Daniel as Kung Fu Panda

Hailey as a cowgirl riding a pink pony

Cowgirl Hailey with her hot pink pumpkin

Daniel doing some panda moves

Trick or Treat Town ACS Warehouse

Daniel by a big purple spider Hailey was scared of it

The kids with Scooby Doo

Daniel and Boomer (Alaska Aces Mascot)

Conner, Nicolas, Bella, Kendall, Hailey, and Daniel

Daniel, Bella, Hailey, and Nicolas

Today we took the kids to trick or treat town. Its an indoor trick or treating in a warehouse building where the kids can dress in their costumes and not have to worry about being all bundled up since its 22 degrees outside. They had boomer (maskot of the Alaska Aces) there taking pictures with the kids and lots of different businesses that set up booths and were passing out candy. The kids each came home with a whole pumpkin full. Daniel started out with a spiderman pumpkin and then traded with his friend Nicholas and ended up with a batman pumpkin. He said his friend was spiderman so he should have the spiderman pumpkin and he wanted the batman one cause it was black and matched his kung fu panda costume. Hailey was very happy with her hot pink pumpkin since pink is her favorite color. The kids met some of their friends from school and playgroup there and then we all went to red robin for lunch after trick or treat town.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Hailey bowling

Daniel bowling

Daniel and officier mcgruff

Hailey and Sparky the firedog

Daniel and Sparky the firedog

Daniel, Hailey, and the Dare Lion

Daniel getting candy from the Lion

The kids had a fall festival carnival at pre-school today. Sparky the firedog, Officer Mcgruff, and the Dare lion were all there passing out candy and glosticks to the kids. There were also some carnival games. Daniel enjoyed the bulls eye darts game and Hailey and Daniel both had fun bowling. They were also taking pictures in the fake pumpkin patch and I got a couple good ones of the kids. Their good friends Nicholas and bella were also at the carnival with them.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Hailey with her kitty cat pumpkin

Daniel with his pirate pumpkin

Andy, Daddy, Daniel, and Hailey carving pumpkins

Hailey cleaning out the pumpkin

Daniel picking out a design to carve

Daniel cleaning the pumpkin out

We went and picked out our pumpkins the other night. The kids picked out two mini pumpkins for them to decorate and helped daddy clean out the big pumpkins. Daddy and our friend Andy carved the big pumpkins and I made pumpkin seeds. Hailey's mini pumpkin is a kitty cat and Daniel's mini pumpkin is a pirate. The kids are getting very excited for halloween. Daniel is going to be dressed as kung fu panda and Hailey is going to be a cowgirl riding a pink pony.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Daniel's first basketball game

Daniel got the ball

Team huddle
Daddy giving Daniel a pep talk at halftime

Daniel's team the lions and coach Ryan

Game time

Amanda and Sissy rooting for Daniel on the sidelines

Daniel right before gametime

Opening ceremonies introducing the team

Daniel had his first basketball game yesterday and his team opening ceremonies. He was very excited for his first game. He still needs alot of practice and can't quite reach the hoop to make a basket but he was really trying and having fun which is what counts the most. We were surprised to the fact that they actually play a full timed game (4 quarters 8 minutes each with a 5 minute halftime) You can tell Daniel was getting really tired by the 4th quarter but he made it for the full game. This is the first sport Daniel has actually shown some interest in and we will be rooting him all for all his games. On his opening game he had his own cheering section. Justin, me, and Hailey were there along with Auntie Amanda and our good friend Jessica and her kids Michael and Miranda. Hailey was more interested in the cheerleaders and what they were doing then what was happening on the basketball court. I can see it now Hailey wanting to do cheerleading once she turns 5. We will be practicing with Daniel every night a bit and he has his next team practice on Wednesday and his next game on Thursday. His team name is the Lions and Daniel is number is 2.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Daniel and his basketball team at their first practice

Daniel dribbling the ball around the cones

Daniel and his friend Christopher from school

Hailey on the sidelines cheering her brother on ( when shes five im sure she will be in cheerleading)

Daniel's first time trying to shoot the ball

Daddy giving Daniel some hel right before practice started

Daniel ready for basketball with his new team shirt (he's number 2)

Hailey at gymnastics

Hailey and her gymnastics class

Hailey and her good friend Kendall

The class doing their warm up exercises

Hailey and Jesse on the beam

The kids have been keeping very busy. Hailey is in her 2nd year of gymnastics and she is really improving and learning alot of new things. This past week she almost did a perfect split. She has learned how to do jumping jacks and run races around cones. She has pretty much mastered the summersault and is learning how to do cartwheels and stradlles on the bars. Daniel just started basketball tonight. He is in the preseason practice right now but will have his first game in 2 weeks. His season will go through the middle of December. He got his own team shirt and his basketball number is 2. He has never played before so he is just learning the concept of the game. Tonight he was learning how to dribble the ball. With all their activities and with pre-school and going to volunteer with mommy at Airman's attic the kids should be kept pretty busy this winter.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hobbies, Hobbies, Hobbies

Here are some pictures of Justin's latest projects. He has been working on fixing his fj40 Landcruiser since the beginning of the summer. He just brought it home today. It has been being stored and worked on at a friends house. It is almost running just needs some wiring problems to be fixed. Hopefully by next summer it will be a running trail ride vechicle. Justin also got an early Holiday present for him to work on this long winter. Its a remote control model version of his fj40 but it runs by remote control not gas. Daniel has been very interested in watching Justin build it and put it together.


Zack The Dog

Zack The Dog

Storm The Cat

Mr Beans


This is a great way to keep in touch with what's going on in the lives of the Williams' Family. With us being so far away it's great to be able to write and post recent pictures of what's going on in our lives. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. Justin and I have been married for 9 years. Daniel is now 5 years old and Hailey is 3 years. We have Zack the Dog, Storm the Cat, Oscar the Fish, and out latest addition to the family Mr. Beans the dog. Justin is keeping busy working 12 hour shifts at the passenger terminal on base and going to school to complete his small business certificate program. I am currently a stay at home mom taking care of the kids which is definitly a full time job in itself and I spend a great deal of time volunteering at the Airman's Attic on base. Daniel and Hailey both go to pre-school 3 days a week. Hailey is currently in her 3rd year of gymnastics. She was been taking gymnastics since she was 18 months old and Daniel just finished playing basketball on the Lions pee wee league last month. We currently have 17 months left in Alaska and then we dont know where we are going to be moving after that. Justin spends his free time working on his Landcruiser and offroading. I spend my free time scrapbooking and keeping up with our blog, watching movies, and keeping up with the kids and all their activites. Daniel loves dinosaurs, superheros (batman, the hulk, superman, and spiderman his favorites, and doing arts and crafts. Hailey loves horses and ponies, barbies, princesses, playing dress up, and recently Hannah Montana. Keep checking back to our page for the newest happenings going on in out lives.

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nine year Anniversary

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Holidays 2008

About Me

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I am married to the most wonderful man in the world for the past 8 years. we have two beautiful children daniel and hailey and 3 pets. My husband is in the usaf and i am a stay at home mom.