Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fur rondy carnival

The kids and I went to the annual Fur Rondy carnival here in anchorage. It is the first year since we have been living in alaska that it was actually warm enough to take the kids. It was 39 degrees outside which is a heat wave for february in alaska. Fur Rondy is an annual 2 week event which is the start of the ididirod sled dog races. They have fireworks and the native alaskan/eskimo indian olympics. they have ice sculptures which we may go look at later in the week and the biggest thing is the carnival and midway rides for the kids. The kids had fun going on the carnival rides, eating cotton candy, and playing the rip off carnival games. their favorite part was of course the pony rides right outside the carnival hailey more then daniel. daniel's favorite was the spinning apples and going in the fun house and getting lost in the mirrors. here are some pics.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Justin's 29th Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Justin's birthday. We had a few of our friends over and had some pizza and ice cream cake. Justin didnt want anything really big. He enjoyed just having a few people over and playing the wii. We also booked all our plane tickets for this summer and are excited of our vacation coming up. Now we know for sure we will be in pennslyvania and florida. The kids are getting excited for vacation as well and we can't wait. it has been a very hectic few months and we are all looking forward to a much needed bit of rest and relaxation. Other big news this week is justin and i both got accepted to allied business school and will be starting a 4 month certificate program next week. justin's program is in small business and mine is in medical administration assistant. we should both graduate right around the beginning of july when we head for vacation. Im sure our next few months will be a little hectic with us both trying to complete our programs but it will be well worth it in the end. that's about all the news from the williams family at the moment. here are some pics from justin's bday. enjoy!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

valentines day

We all had a very nice valentines day. Daniel had two valentine day parties one with his preschool and then both kids had a valentines day party with their playgroup yesterday. Since im on the playgroup committe I had a big part in helping put the party together. Last night we all went out to a very nice chinese restaurant where they had all you can eat crab legs on the buffet. It was a real treat. I still couldnt convince justin to try sushi yet. We also celebrated justin's birthday last night but we are having a few people over next week on his real birthday and im going to have a cake. the kids are looking forward to that they always love when its a chance to eat cake. Ended our night we ended up at best buy last night and got the american idol keroke game for the wii. When the kids went to bed Justin and i had fun playing the game and Justin was thinking it was quite funny cause simon was not giving my singing to many compliments. All in all we had a very good valentines day. here are some pictures.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

chinese new year

Daniel celebrated the chinese new year with his preschool today. The kids made lanterns as a craft and had white rice using chopsticks to eat it and then got to bring their chopsticks home and each got a fortune cookie. They are also started show and tell at his school where every friday each child can bring 1 thing from home for show and tell. daniel hasnt decided if he wants to bring mickey the monkey or dino the dinosaur but said he wants to bring 1 of his build a bears.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

It was a great super bowl sorry all our patriot fan friends but we were really happy to see the giants win. Justin got an early birthday present 2 days before the super bowl. we upgraded to a flat screen tv and the kids are enjoying our old projection tv until we sell it. they get to constantly watch dora and diego and all their movies on the big screen. they are going to be very disappointed when we sell it. Justin is very happy with his new tv. I even can see the difference and really like the tv especially with it giving our living room so much more space. We had some friends over for a small super bowl party today and the kids were happy playing with their friends. Justin has been busy studying. he tests for tech in less then 2 weeks and we are praying hard he makes it. It will be a little bit of a raise for us. the kids are keeping busy daniel with school and hailey with her gymnastics and im just kepping busy in general. thats about all new lately witht he williams family. will keep everyone posted. check out some pics.

Zack The Dog

Zack The Dog

Storm The Cat

Mr Beans


This is a great way to keep in touch with what's going on in the lives of the Williams' Family. With us being so far away it's great to be able to write and post recent pictures of what's going on in our lives. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. Justin and I have been married for 9 years. Daniel is now 5 years old and Hailey is 3 years. We have Zack the Dog, Storm the Cat, Oscar the Fish, and out latest addition to the family Mr. Beans the dog. Justin is keeping busy working 12 hour shifts at the passenger terminal on base and going to school to complete his small business certificate program. I am currently a stay at home mom taking care of the kids which is definitly a full time job in itself and I spend a great deal of time volunteering at the Airman's Attic on base. Daniel and Hailey both go to pre-school 3 days a week. Hailey is currently in her 3rd year of gymnastics. She was been taking gymnastics since she was 18 months old and Daniel just finished playing basketball on the Lions pee wee league last month. We currently have 17 months left in Alaska and then we dont know where we are going to be moving after that. Justin spends his free time working on his Landcruiser and offroading. I spend my free time scrapbooking and keeping up with our blog, watching movies, and keeping up with the kids and all their activites. Daniel loves dinosaurs, superheros (batman, the hulk, superman, and spiderman his favorites, and doing arts and crafts. Hailey loves horses and ponies, barbies, princesses, playing dress up, and recently Hannah Montana. Keep checking back to our page for the newest happenings going on in out lives.

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nine year Anniversary

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About Me

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I am married to the most wonderful man in the world for the past 8 years. we have two beautiful children daniel and hailey and 3 pets. My husband is in the usaf and i am a stay at home mom.