It was a great super bowl sorry all our patriot fan friends but we were really happy to see the giants win. Justin got an early birthday present 2 days before the super bowl. we upgraded to a flat screen tv and the kids are enjoying our old projection tv until we sell it. they get to constantly watch dora and diego and all their movies on the big screen. they are going to be very disappointed when we sell it. Justin is very happy with his new tv. I even can see the difference and really like the tv especially with it giving our living room so much more space. We had some friends over for a small super bowl party today and the kids were happy playing with their friends. Justin has been busy studying. he tests for tech in less then 2 weeks and we are praying hard he makes it. It will be a little bit of a raise for us. the kids are keeping busy daniel with school and hailey with her gymnastics and im just kepping busy in general. thats about all new lately witht he williams family. will keep everyone posted. check out some pics.
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