Well the most famous little girl's doll Barbie turned 50 this weekend. In celebration for the 50 year anniversary of Barbie they have come out with a special then and now doll that for a limited time is being sold for only 3 dollars which is what the original barbie doll was sold for 50 years ago today. Unfortunatley the stores are all sold out and I havent been able to find one for Hailey yet but I havent given up looking for one yet. Well I told Hailey that it was Barbie's birthday and she put on her barbie shirt and decided all her dolls should have a party so she had a pretend birthday party for all her Barbie's today and of course brother was right there playing with her. I remember when I was a little girl I used to spend hours playing with all my barbies and barbie doll acessories and Hailey just like me loves her barbies, and barbie doll house, and spends lots of time dressing them and brushing their hair and she has alot of barbie dolls. Hopefully Barbie will still be around when Hailey grows up and has a little girl of her own to keep the tradition going on.
Amanda's fitness journey
Well, starting January 20, 2014 I started my journey into fitness. I have
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for so...
11 years ago
Happy 50th Birthday Barbie! (but who's counting?)
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