I had a very good Mother's Day weekend. It started out Friday afternoon when I picked the kids up from school and was given some special cards and gifts the kids made me at school. They both made me special cards with their handprints and Daniel planted me a forget-me-not flower and Hailey made me a paper mache' rose and magnet with her picture in it. Justin took me to Best Buy and got me a new Dvd burner our old one quit working on us about 2 months ago. We also got an antivirus program for my laptop as ive only had this laptop 5 months and already had gotten 2 viruses so I should be well protected now. This morning Justin and the kids took me out for a wonderful brunch to the sourdough mining company and I was given a chocolate rose from the Alaska Wildberry Chocolate factory. The brunch had so much good food. Prime Rib that was out of this world and eggs benidict and fresh cod and salmon. The kids enjoyed all the fresh fruit and of course the make your own ice cream sundea bar. Then it was off to the zoo. Mom's get in free to the Alaska Zoo on Mother's Day and for the second year now I took the kids. Unfortunatley after brunch Justin had to go into work but it was a beautiful day outside and the kids enjoyed seeing all the animals. Daniel's favorite was the porcupine and the sea otters and Hailey liked the Harbor seals, and the wolverine. They saw the red fox and said it looked like swiper and told it not to swipe their popcorn. They also got to go int the petting zoo and pet some of the animals. I had a wonderful Mother's Day and the best part was being able to spend the day with my family.
Amanda's fitness journey
Well, starting January 20, 2014 I started my journey into fitness. I have
started and stopped so many times. I have been struggling with my weight
for so...
11 years ago
Happy Mother's Day Lory. It sounds like your family treated you very well.
By the way, Daniel writes his name very nicely with lowercase letters and I loved the cards the kids made you.
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