Oscar came into our family a little over 2 years ago. He was given to Daniel by our really good friends Amanda and Andy as a reward for Daniel potty training and because they knew they would be moving within the year to Japan and couldn't take him with them. Daniel named the fish Oscar because he was an albino oscar fish and he named his two plako buddies Bert and Ernie. He had become a part of our Family. Unfortunatley this last month He has not been doing very well at all. We noticed a complete change in his eating and behavior. The kids understood that we were going to be moving next summer and we were going to have to find Oscar, Bert, and Ernie a new home. Unfortunatley Oscar did not make it to the summer. Last night He was looking really bad and I thought He had died but He was still hanging in their breathing a bit. I told the kids last night He may not be here when they woke up because I was afraid He wasnt going to make it through the night. He held on and the kids saw him this morning before they went to school but I came back from grocery shopping and He was ready for fishy heaven. We are going to take the kids to the pet store tomorrow and let them each pick out a fish for the tank and for the plakos to feed off of and they will be with us until we move next summer and then have to find them a new home. RIP Oscar The Fish.
Amanda's fitness journey
Well, starting January 20, 2014 I started my journey into fitness. I have
started and stopped so many times. I have been struggling with my weight
for so...
11 years ago
Sorry to hear about Oscar
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