I know it seems like it has been forever since I updated the blog and I said I was going to try to do posts more frequently. It has been a very hectic few weeks around here. Justin is doing great. We get to talk with him for a few minutes on the phone or on the web cam about 4 times a week. Skype is the greatest invention in the world to be able to see Justin while He is so far away and Him being able to see the Kids and Me. He works alot to keep himself busy. He works 13 hour days 5 on and 1 off so only gets 1 day off a week. And our days are completely opposite as He is 12 hours ahead of us. My old laptop crashed and Thank You very much to My Parents they helped me out to get a new one. You never realize how much stuff you do on a daily basis on a computer until you dont have one. Im sending my old one out today to hopefully be fixed but it wont be back from 6-8 weeks and i dont know if it will be able to be fixed. I had actually contacted a virus from facebook from a 3rd party application I had downloaded which I have now blocked every 3rd party app and game that you can play on facebook from my account. I will only go on facebook now to upload pictures and talk to Friends and Family and I will no longer use Myspace at all as I have heard that is the number 1 causing virus website. As most of you know Hailey took a trip to the Er about 10 days ago because Her Brother throw a toy chair at her head and She ended up getting two staples which were removed yesterday and She is doing great now. She wore this cute little blossom looking hat to school for the whole week She had her staples in but was very happy last night as She was finally able to get her hair wet. Also this past weekend poor Mr Beans got into the garbage and got ahold of something that tore up his stomache. He had to go Monday to the vet where they took a stomache xray to make sure nothing was abstract in his belly. Thankfully the x ray came out fine and He was diagnoised with a bacteria infection and He is on antibiotic and special foods for the next 5 days. He had a rough 24 hours but seems to be doing alot better now. They say bad things happen in 3's. I really hope nothing else goes wrong the rest of this deployment. On a good note Daniel next Friday is doing a Jump Rope For Heart in his PE class at school. He has been taking donations for the American Heart Association and has chosen to jump in honor of His Great-Grandfather Hymie and his Great Uncle Michael whom both suffered from Heart Disease. He is very excited to be participating in this event and supporting such a great cause. He has already raised 150.00 and Thank You to everyone who has donated for him. I think that just about catches us up for the last few weeks and I will definitly try to update more frequently. We have almost survived 1 month of this deployment with another 5 to go I just hope the time goes as fast as possible with no more drama and our Family can be all back together again.
All cute pictures!
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