Chillin at the alaska chocolate factory
Cousin Jordan teaching Daniel how to play the drums in a jam session
Justin and Jordan enjoying some alaskan king crab leggs
Hailey riding horseback on a real horse not a pony (her first time not on a pony)
Reindeer farm Palmer, Ak
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
Jordan petting a bear at gwennies restaurant (no its not real)
It was great having our cousin here for the last 10 days. We really got an opportunity to show him around Alaska. While here we took him to the alaska wildlife conservation center to see alaska's animals in the wild and we took him to the portage glacier and wittier. We also went to the reindeer farm in palmer where the kids got to ride actual horses on horseback and we went gold panning at the indian valley mine. Jordan had a chance to eat halibit, salmon, elk burgers, alaska king crab legs basically the best foods Alaska has to offer. Justin and Jordan went on a whitwater rafting trip and hiked on a glacier. They said it was a blast. I stayed back with the kiddos. The kids have been kept pretty busy lately with our 3 week vacation and then getting back home and having their cousin here. It is going to be quiet here for awhile. Back to our normal day of going to playgroup and mommy volunteering at airman's attic. I will be getting Daniel ready to start up school again next month and Hailey will start up gymnastics again next month. In my spare time i plan on looking for some type of work at home job where I can make a little extra money and help out with the holiday seasons which will be approaching upon us quickly in the next few months. We have definitly all had an awesome summer and can't wait till next summer when we will have another jampacked summer of fun. I am definitly not looking forward to winter but the sooner winter comes and goes the sooner it will be summer again.
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