Well we had a very fun filled jam packed month. I will try to share some of the 1400 pictures we took on our vacation. We started our first week in Pennslyvania where we went to Justin's family reunion and met alot of relatives for the first time. The kids met alot of new aunts, uncles, and cousins. We also took a sidetrip to cedarpoint park in Ohio and rode the number one rollar coaster in the united states Millinimum force. It was a big thrill. We also went to a Pittsburgh pirates baseball game, the natrual history dinosaur museum, and ate at a really cool amish restaurant called dutch oven. We also got to see one of our old friends and her daughters whom we hadnt seen in about 6 years. Then we were off to Florida. We started our vacation by going on a five day cruise to the bahamas and key west. Daniels favorite part of the cruise was the kid camp program adventure ocean and haileys favorite part was singing karoke on the ship. she sang wheels on the bus and the itsy bitsy spider to a big crowd of people. Hailey and i both got our hair braided in the bahamas and became island girls and daniel went in the ocean for the first time and started to like swimming in the pool. Both kids cant wait to go back on a ship next summer and Justin only got seasick the first night and had a blast the last 3 nights. Justin and I came in first place and won gold medals in the novel quest game. Then it was back to ft. lauderdale and we had a baby shower for our very good friend farrah. The kids got to meet their cousins from indiana joe, alison, ben, lily, and max and their aunt marlene. Ben and Hailey were inseparable most of the time and all the cousins got along so well. The 3 days they were able to be in Florida we packed our days in. We went to wannadoo city where hailey modeled with her cousin lily on the catwalk and the girls went to the salon and got manicures, and ben and daniel were pilots and firefighters. We also went to lion country safari and daniel and hailey enjoyed the waterpark there which is a big achievement for daniel, went to jungle island where the kids got to hold real macaws and get close to monkeys, kangaroo, and penquins, went to south beach mommy's old stopping grounds, and went to jaxson's icecream one of the worlds best ice cream shops, and celebrated mine and max's birthday at rainforst cafe'. Also well in Florida we celebrated my birthday two other times, went to a florida marlins game, saw the backyardigans live, went to barb ranch where the kids got to ride and feed ponies a huge treat for hailey, and the kids saw the movies wall-e and space chimps. I even got a few nights out with out kids one of the knights getting a chance to see dark knight which was an awesome movie. Since weve been home we have been lucky to have had my cousin Jordan visiting us here and getting to show him the beautiful sights of Alaska. We have had a great fun and exciting month and now its time to get back to everyday routine. here are some pics a little of everything i cannot post all.
Amanda's fitness journey
Well, starting January 20, 2014 I started my journey into fitness. I have
started and stopped so many times. I have been struggling with my weight
for so...
11 years ago
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