I have finally began an exercise program where im going with my friends 3 times a week to the gym. The kids go with me cause our gym is in our community center and the kids can play in the kid area while us mom's exercise. So the kids have been enjoying it as well cause it gets them out of the house too. Also with the summer months approaching us we can be outside alot more and go on walks and stuff. I put on my old rollarblades yesterday just to see if I could still blade and I made it around the block without falling. I was impressed with myself. Justin is talking about getting a bike and one of those trailers for the kids to sit in while he rides in back of the bike and then I can rollarblade beside them and it would be great exercise and family time. I remember living on south beach when I rollarbladed everywhere I went and how skinny I was so I know if I started rollarblading again it would probably get me in really good shape. The kids were also able to go to their park today and were very excited that their was no snow at the park. They call it their park cause the park is right across the street from our house. It is also starting to stay light pretty late. It now gets dark around 9pm but as it gets more into the summer, it will rarely get dark at all. The problem with that is now when I tell Daniel at 8pm its bedtime he replies to me saying but mommy the sun is still at and of course the sun comes up now at like 6am and the kids have been getting up around 630am saying the suns up its morning time. We are going to fix that problem though this weekend by putting blankets over their windows so they go to bed ontime and sleep later. Well here are some pics of the kids excited to be at the park again.
Amanda's fitness journey
Well, starting January 20, 2014 I started my journey into fitness. I have
started and stopped so many times. I have been struggling with my weight
for so...
11 years ago
Very cute pictures...Love Daniel's shirt!
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