Well I believe after almost 7 long months of winter and snow and cold temperatures spring is finally here for us. We have thought this about 3 times now cause everything starts melting and then it snows again but hopefully this time it is real. The kids have been enjoying being able to play outside again. They love jumping on the trampoline and swinging on their swings in the backyard. They also love drawing with sidewalk chalk and playing with moonsand which I prefer outside rather then inside. Even Zack is alot happier cause all his bones and toys are beginning to show up after being buried in the snow for the past 6 months and all his doggie friends in the neighborhood are starting to come out to play. Daniel is looking forward to being able to ride his bike that he got last summer for his birthday outside with his friends in the neighborhood and sissy has a tricycle that she can ride as well. She will be getting a big bike like her brothers very soon that she has no idea about yet, and then we hope to teach them how to ride together so they both become pros at it by the end of the summer. Justin is trying to get his landcruiser running well so we can start taking some family wheeling and camping trips this summer and he has been spending most of his free time and days off trying to fix whatever is wrong with it which he hasnt discovered the problem as of yet but hopefully maybe by the end of this weekend it will be fixed. I am trying to finish my school certificate program I am taking so I can enjoy the outside nice summer weather we have also. I only have a few chapters left and then hopefully ill be taking my final by the beginning of next month. I know we have a very busy summer scheduled and definitly can't wait for it to begin. Hailey will finish up her gymnastics the end of next month and daniels last day of school is may 21st and hopefully ill be done by then as well and we can all really enjoy the few months of summer we have. Okay enough rambling for tonight. We want to wish everyone that celebrates a very happy passover and ill post another blog with pics from passover next week sometime. Talk to everyone soon. The Williams gang
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