Well again as we thought that spring/summer was finally here it started snowing at 8am this morning and has not stopped since and is still snowing. Justin was outside with a tape measure a little while ago and measured that we had 10 and a half inches fall so far on the ground and we are expected to get another 6-8 inches through the night. I feel like im experiencing my first blizzard. This is the most snow weve had on the ground all winter and its supposed to be gone by now. Just 2 days ago the kids were at the park in shorts and sandals and it was 61 degrees outside. The ice cream truck even started coming around and of course we put all our outside lawn chairs and kids toys out and packed away the snowboots and snowsuits thinking winter was over finally. Daniel was supposed to go to his end of the school year spring carnival tomorrow at his school but it doesnt look like thats going to happen the car is halfway burried in the snow. hopefully they postpone it for a different weekend cause we arent leaving the house this weekend. Well here are some pics of 2 days ago at the park and then today. Only in Alaska would something like this happen.
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