Saturday, December 6, 2008


The kids and Beans

Going to the pet store to get some things

Justin chillin with the dogs

Yes hes a boy but hes getting fixed soon

Zack and his new companion Beans

Hailey and beans

The kids excited with their new Chihuahua

Hailey, Daniel, and Beans

Daniel showing Beans his pee pee pad

Daniel showing Beans where his food is

Beans the Chihuahua our new family addition

Well we got a new addition to the family. He is a black and tan Chihuahua named Beans. He is almost 2 years old. He will be 2 in February. His birthday is February 23rd the day after Justin's. He is purebreed but we are going to get him fixed so no breeding for Beans. The kids love him to death. They have been wanting this type of dog for sometime. Our friends Andy and amanda have a female Chihuahua named mimi and when they stayed with us for a few weeks the kids got really attached especially Daniel. He was having a hard time with our friends leaving and missing having the extra dogs in the house so we started looking at dogs. We took the kids to the animal shelter and saw the smiles on their faces as they were looking at all the dogs and the cats. We were looking at boxers and bulldogs and jack russell terriers but the kids kept saying they wanted a Chihuahua. Today we happened to wake up and look on craigs list and there was a Chihuahua that needed a home and these dogs are very expensive and hard to find. It was just a fluke. So we called the lady and set up a meeting at our home to see how Zack would react to another male dog in the house. He had seemed pretty lonely since Mick and Mimi had left and was really enjoying their companionship. Well they got along really well and Beans had found himself a home. We did do some reseach on the computer and found out Chihuahuas have a very long life span. They can live anywhere up to 15-17 years and hes not even 2 yet so we are hoping he will be around for the rest of the kids childhood and into their teen years. This is actually Daniel and Hailey's dog. Zack is mainly Justin's dog he bonds mostly with Justin and Storm the cat bonds mostly with me since they were around before the kids. Beans is mainly the kids dog and they are going to help take care of him as well. He will rotate nights sleeping in the kids rooms with them. He has a kennel to sleep in at night and tonight he is sleeping in Daniel's room and tomorrow he will sleep in Hailey's room and the kids will keep rotating. Zack seems to get along pretty well with him and is enjoying his company and storm pretty much looked at him like what the hell are you and jumped right back on our bed where his comfort zone is. Well here are some pics of the new family member.


Zack The Dog

Zack The Dog

Storm The Cat

Mr Beans


This is a great way to keep in touch with what's going on in the lives of the Williams' Family. With us being so far away it's great to be able to write and post recent pictures of what's going on in our lives. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. Justin and I have been married for 9 years. Daniel is now 5 years old and Hailey is 3 years. We have Zack the Dog, Storm the Cat, Oscar the Fish, and out latest addition to the family Mr. Beans the dog. Justin is keeping busy working 12 hour shifts at the passenger terminal on base and going to school to complete his small business certificate program. I am currently a stay at home mom taking care of the kids which is definitly a full time job in itself and I spend a great deal of time volunteering at the Airman's Attic on base. Daniel and Hailey both go to pre-school 3 days a week. Hailey is currently in her 3rd year of gymnastics. She was been taking gymnastics since she was 18 months old and Daniel just finished playing basketball on the Lions pee wee league last month. We currently have 17 months left in Alaska and then we dont know where we are going to be moving after that. Justin spends his free time working on his Landcruiser and offroading. I spend my free time scrapbooking and keeping up with our blog, watching movies, and keeping up with the kids and all their activites. Daniel loves dinosaurs, superheros (batman, the hulk, superman, and spiderman his favorites, and doing arts and crafts. Hailey loves horses and ponies, barbies, princesses, playing dress up, and recently Hannah Montana. Keep checking back to our page for the newest happenings going on in out lives.

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nine year Anniversary

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About Me

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I am married to the most wonderful man in the world for the past 8 years. we have two beautiful children daniel and hailey and 3 pets. My husband is in the usaf and i am a stay at home mom.