Santa was at the community center on Base. He made a special trip to see all the children in base housing and on Christmas Eve he will drive around on the fire truck and come by all the houses. Both Kids sat on Santa's lap and told him what they wanted him to bring them. Hailey for the first year went up to Santa by herself not being afraid and making mommy go with her. Both kids are very excited for the holiday season to begin. Hanukkah starts on Sunday night and goes right through Christmas this year so the kids will get some extra presents on Christmas day also. We are having a few friends over and Im attempting to cook for our Christmas Eve dinner and we will pretty much be eating leftovers for Christmas. The kids also are waiting for me to go to the store to buy the stuff to make potato latkes its there favorite thing to eat during Hanukkah and ill probably make it for them Sunday night to start off the holiday. We look forward to see everyone we can on the web cam this holiday season. Uncle Andy and Auntie Amanda im glad you got you house and internet working can't wait to see you guys again on the web cam. We miss you lots. Its not going to be the same not having you guys at our house for dinner.
Amanda's fitness journey
Well, starting January 20, 2014 I started my journey into fitness. I have
started and stopped so many times. I have been struggling with my weight
for so...
11 years ago
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