Im very happy today. I took my final for my administartive medical assistant program last night and i just got my grades this morning. I passed my final and passed my course. They are sending my certificate out in the mail today. I am now certified to be a medical administrative assistant and plan to work on my resume this summer while im in florida considering I have several members of my family that already work in the medical field that could help me with my resume. I am hoping to get with a temp agency come this september once summer is over and both kids will be attending preschool and hopefully get a parttime job and some job experience in my field until we leave alaska and I can look for permenant full time work. I am now off to an Army/Airforce Volunteer Luncheon at the club on base. I was nominated for an award for all the volunteer time I put in working every week at the airman's attic. Another great thing to add on my resume when I create it this summer. So all in all It has been a great couple days for me. The whole past week that ive been spending most of my time studying for the final really paid off and i didnt get to watch the show last night till really late in the evening cause i was taking my final the time it was on but im excited to see my 2 favorite american idols made it to the final four. Sorry had to add that in. Here is a picture of my certificate I uploaded from the internet. The actual certificate ill get in the mail in about a week.
Amanda's fitness journey
Well, starting January 20, 2014 I started my journey into fitness. I have
started and stopped so many times. I have been struggling with my weight
for so...
11 years ago
Congratulations Lory!!!! That's wonderful.
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