Tonight is the First Night Of Hanukkah. The kids were very excited when they woke up to go to school today cause they knew when they get home from school We can to do Hanukkah and then for the next 8 nights they will have Hanukkah. Hailey's school celebrated some of the traditions last week. They made potato latkes, made a menorah craft and a jewish star ornament, and sang the dredal song and played the game. We have been reading some books the last few nights trying to teach the kids some of the tradations as they are getting a little older and starting to understand. Nothing to do with Hanukkah but I thought this was funny so I had to share. This week Hailey's pre-school class is learning about Kwanza and they made a craft and listened to some kwanza songs and read a book at school. Well She came home the other day and said "Mommy why dont we celebrate Kwanza too" and then She said "You know they lit a Menorah like We do for Hanukkah" I turned around to her and said well you know more about it them me then lol. Needless to say I had to goggle the meaning the Kwanza the other night on the computer and Yes they light candles but it is not the same as a Menorah and only for seven days. I really do think its excellent the school does traditions of other holidays and not just Christmas but was not prepared for those questions the other day. Well the First Night of Hanukkah was a huge sucess. The kids opened a present from Mommy and Daddy and were very happy to see that they each got there own zhu zhu pet. Zhu Zhu pets are these realistic looking toy hamsters that are the hottest toy of the year and very hard to find right now. I Could have sold them on ebay and made a ton of money but the kids were very excited tonight to each get one and thats more important then all the money in world. It is crazy how popular they are though. I bought them for 13.00 each back in September when they first hit the stores thanks to My Mom actually telling me about them before people starting wanting them and now they are on ebay for like 60.00 a hamster. Well Daniel got Mr Squiggles and Hailey got Pip Squeak and they love their new hamster friends. I will continue to post up pics from the remaining 7 nights of Hanukkah. We Hope everyone that celebrates has A Very Happy Hanukkah.
Amanda's fitness journey
Well, starting January 20, 2014 I started my journey into fitness. I have
started and stopped so many times. I have been struggling with my weight
for so...
11 years ago
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