Daniel has show and tell every friday at preschool and ever since December when he got his furreal pet mac the macaw he has been wanting to bring him to school and I was always very hesitent of letting him bring it cause I didnt want it to get lost or broken. Ive been telling him every friday maybe for the last show and tell of the school year. Well today was his last show and share and I let Daniel bring Mac the Macaw to school. Of course Daniel was the hit of the class. Even before school while we were waiting to sign in all the kids crowed around him to see his bird. Mrs. Thea his teacher said she let Daniel hold him and all the kids come up and pet him and give him a kiss but didnt let all the other kids hold him and pass him around (smart teacher). Daniel now has 2 more days left of school and then he has completed his first year of preschool. We have noticed such an improvement these past nine months. Daniel knows how to write and spell his name. he knows how to write all his alaphabet and can count from 1-20 only missing 2 or 3 numbers in between. We are very proud of him.
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