We had a huge yard sale at our house yesterday. The kids had fun sitting outside watching all the people come and trying to sell their stuff. I had told them the night before they each had to pick 10 toys from each of their rooms and sell them so they make room for new things. Especially with Hailey's birthday coming up and then Daniel's a few months later they will be getting alot of new things. The kids did very well just about everything that was put outside stayed outside and then went on to airmans attic if it was not sold. The only thing that ended up back in the house was Hailey's furby she did not want to see him go so now his batteries are replaced and he is driving us crazy talking again. All in all we had a pretty good sale. I wish I could have sold alot more. I ended up taking 5 full garbage bags to airman attic but i dont mind that cause I get so many nice things from there and was very happy to give some back and the house got a good clean up and now I have room in the kids closets to put some more clothes.
I like your new blog colors...
I think I am sending you the exact shirt that Hailey has on but in a 4T.
Daniel and Hailey are as cute as always!
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