I had a very wonderful mothers day. We started out the morning by us all going to Ihop for breakfast. The kids enjoyed eating their smiley face pancakes and Justin and I had a very filling breakfast. Unfortunatly Justin had to work in the afternoon but the kids and I spent the afternoon at the zoo. Mom's got in for free in honor of mother's day. My friend Amanda adopted Hailey as her daughter for the day and went along with us. We all had a great time. Daniel' s favorite part of the zoo was seeing a real live macaw. He has a furreal pet named mac the macaw that he got for hanukkah and he was just so happy and excited to see a real live macaw. Haileys favorite part as she says is the white bears which she means the polar bears. she thought they were really exciting to watch. we were very lucky this being the 4th time we have been to the alaska zoo this is the first time most of the animals were actually awake and moving around usually they are always sleeping and we see nothing. The kids each got a zoo book from the gift shjop on the way out. Hailey picked the bears book and daniel picked out a book on bald eagles because they didnt have a book on macaws and he knows daddy loves eagles so he wanted to share the book with daddy. I thought that was so cute. After the zoo we went over to our friends Andy and Amanda's house and had a small bbq get together. I really had a very special mothers day and thank everyone for whom made it a special day for me.
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