Its not even mother's day till tomorrow and my family is already treating me very special. Justin and the kids got me a gorgoeous ruby and diamond mom pendent which im wearing very proudly. Today I spent the morning at the salon getting pampered and getting a pedicure. Im so excited to wear my new sandals and there actually being no more snow and nice weather for sandals. My parents got me the most unique gift. Its a personalized sweatshirt that says anyone can be a mother but it takes someone special to be daniel and hailey's mom which i will wear very proudly tomorrow along with my necklace. Tomorrow unfortunatley Justin has to work but we are all going out to breakfast before he has to go to work and then im spending the afternoon at the zoo with the kids. It should be a very nice day and then after wearing the kids out at the zoo they promised to go to bed early for me so i can watch the season finale of survivor in peace and quiet. So I know I will have a lovely mother's day. Hope all the other mom's out there have a special day as well and get treated as wonderful as my family has treated me.
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