We just came back from the meet n greet at the palmer fairgrounds which is alaska's biggest 4 wheeling event of the year. All the offroad clubs in the whole state of alaska mmet up for a 3 day weekend of camping and trail rides and family fun. Justin has been camping out for the weekend and will stay another night and hit some more trails tomorrow. The kids and I went up for the day today. Today was family fun day. We got there and they had a big bbq lunch with hotdogs and hamburgers. Then they had some kids games. The kids played tug a war, and had water balloon fights, and did the hula hoop and some races. They both won prizes. Justin was part of the event crew and helped with the ramp. Where all the vechiles attending go on a ramp and get measured. The kids sat and watched all the different trucks. They were all showered and clean when we first got there by the end of the day they both looked like they had been mud wrestling. Toward the end of the day they had a very nice dinner of chicken and ribs and lots of side dishes and then a raffle where we won a water bottle from northern 4x4 and a 1 year subscription to a 4 wheeling magazine. Today was also summer soltice which is the longest day of the year. We get 1 hour of darkness so when we left around 830pm to head back home it felt like it was 2 in the afternoon. Here are a few pictures from our day.
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