Today we went with the kids playgroup to a preview of the air show. This is one of the biggest air shows for Alaska. It is also the celebration of the state turning 50 years old. We saw the thunderbird planes perform along with the blue angels. The kids loved watching the paratroopers drop from the planes. They even got to take their picture and get autographs with a few of the paratroopers. They got to go in several of the planes and hellicoptors and sit in the cock pit. This evening we had a special concert where Wynonna was performing. She came on at 830pm and was on until 1030pm. After the first hour at the start of the second hour she brought her mom onstage and they performed together alot of their older songs from when they were the Judds. It was an amazing concert and we were so lucky to be able to have been a part of it. Daniel and I went to the concert. It was Daniel's first ever concert and he had a blast. He was dancing the whole night. His little girlfriend Linny was there and he asked her to dance when wynonna was singing one of her ballads. It was so cute. Hailey went to the air show during the day but stayed home with daddy and watched the concert on Tv since it went pretty late at night. They had the whole concert televised on our local channel. Here are some pictures of our fantastic air show. One of the best air shows I have ever been to.
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