The kids went on a field trip with their playgroup to the fire station on Friday. They got a tour of the firestation and where the fireman sleep and eat. They got to see their gym and lounge with their recliners and tvs and saw that the firehouse where they stay is like an actual house. Of course my son had to ask the question of where the firedog was and asked don't all firestations have a dog. One of daniel's favorite movies is firehouse dog. Well they explained to the kids because the firestation is on the flightline on base they dont have a firedog but they have a big fish tank with pet fish instead. Of course the kids got a kick out of seeing all the fish. Each of the kids got a chance to sit inside the fire truck and hear the siren. At the end of the tour they each got their own lil fire chef hat. The kids had a great time on their first summer field trip and we look forward to the rest of the field trips this summer. Our next one is a field trip to the library off base one of the main anchorage libriares to tour the library and have a special storytime with the librian.
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