The kids are really enjoying riding their bikes outside. Daniel has pretty much learned how to ride his and can pedel himself. He cant go very far he gets tired but he can ride to the next street where his friends live or ride to the park across the street. We are still working with trying to teach Hailey how to pedel. She likes to sit on her bike and be pushed around. She doesnt quite understand the concept of riding her bike yet. We go out every evening now for an hour or so and the kids practice on their bikes and ride around with their friends outside. Daddy got a bike too so once they all both get alot better we can all go out where i rollar blade and justin and the kids ride bikes. It is so nice being able to see the kids have such a great time being outside and riding their bikes and playing at the park. Unfortunatly we only have a few months of summer but we are definitly staying outside and enjoying as much of it as we can. You can definitly tell its summer around here I have like 15 movies sitting ontop of my tv i havent even watched and usually im watching a movie a night in the winter cause its so boring here now im never inside and dont have time for tv. The same with the kids they are watching alot less television and in the backyard and out front on their bikes most of the day.
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