Well we were supposed to go camping this weekend and Daniel especially was really looking forward to going but unfortunatlly Daddy's truck was not fixed in time therefore we had no way to bring out our camper so we ended up having a camping picnic in our backyard. It was actually Daniels idea last night. We made some hotdogs,chessedogs, got some chips and had marshmellows and twizzlers. The kids had a blanket set in the backyard and we invited our neighbors Cherish and Alexander over to join us. Even Zack got a hotdog to eat. He was very happy with that. The kids had their picnic and jumped on the trampoline and played on their slide and had a very nice time. It started to get cold and looked like it was going to rain by the end of our picnic so maybe it was a better idea then camping this weekend. Tomorrow if it is not still raining and a nice day the kids and I are headed to the zoo with their playgroup. Hopefully it will turn out to be a nice day tomorrow.
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