The kids are really enjoying themselves this month being outside and enjoying the little time of summer we have in alaska. They have been playing in the backyard, and enjoying the ice cream truck coming down our street to get a special treat, and playing at the park across the street from our house which they consider their park. Hailey and daniel have been going around picking flowers for each other and mommy. They especially love blowing the wish flowers in the wind. We have been pretty lucky the mosquitos havent been as bad this summer as they usually are. My only problem is getting the kids to go to sleep at night. Next week is summer soltice our longest day of the year where we get only 1 hour of darkness with it being so close right now the sun doesnt go down till about 2am and comes right back up around 430am so the kids have been night owling it. They have been going to bed between 12am and 1 am this past week and still waking up between 8 and 9am. The only good part for mommy is they have been taking a 2-3 nap every afternoon so mommy gets some peace and quiet during the day. Pretty soon we go on vacation and then they sleeping schedules will really be messed up cause its a 4 hour time change but at least when we get back the end of july the days will be starting to get shorter and i can work on getting them back on track. Here are some pictures of the kids having fun being outside and with their friends.
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